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Weight Loss | How To Overcome The Physical Barriers

Let’s face it… trying to lose weight will be one of the most difficult challenge that many of us will ever have to confront in our lives. Losing weight goes far beyond the usual exercising and dieting.

Even dieters can face emotional, environmental and physical barriers that result in weight gain which makes it difficult to lose weight.

If you cannot lose weight, you might want to look for the physical causes. Physical barriers to losing weight may be as complex as a medical diagnosis or as simple as lack of sleep. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to overcome the many challenges to losing weight.

Here are some physical reasons why you may not lose weight

Physical discomfort – Many people trying to lose weight are challenged with physical discomfort while trying to lose weight. Most exercisers will quit their workout routine because of the difficulty of the exercise.

Also many dieters said that the poor taste of the food as the reason why the don’t eat food that are healthier while trying to lose weight.

If you have obese or have joint pain, exercise can also be uncomfortable. If that is you challenge, check out non weight bearing activities such as water aerobics, stationary bike riding or swimming.

If you have issues with joint pain, be sure to consult your health care provider or a Physical Therapist who can recommend the appropriate exercises to help you with your weight loss program.

Fatigue – Many people say that tiredness is a common reason why they don’t exercise. A lack of sleep and exhaustion are also common reasons why dieters will go back to unhealthy eating habits which results in weight gain instead of weight loss.

Many studies have shown that a lack of sleep affects the production of ghrelin and leptin, two hormones that can affect fat metabolism, weight loss and appetite.

Researchers found that people that get less sleep were much more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI). The study also found that if you sleep less than eight hours per night, BMI increased proportional to decreased sleep.

Keep in mind that fatigue is responsible for many health problems so make sure you address them as soon as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family if you have an overcrowded schedule. Learn relaxation techniques before bedtime if stress is preventing you from sleeping.

Hormonal Changes – For women, hormonal changes can cause them to gain weight and make it difficult for them to lose it. As women age, difficulty with weight loss becomes a common problem. This is because of changes during pre-menopause, menopause and post- menopause.

Medications – Some medications use to treat other problems often result in weight gain or make you weight loss more difficult. If you think that your medication is causing you to gain weight or making it difficult for you to lose it, then you should consult your doctor or pharmacist about the various side effects of the medications you are taking. Other options with less side effects may be available to you.

Hypothyroidism – The thyroid gland in the front of the neck produces hormones that regulate your metabolism. If the thyroid becomes ubderactive, it cause a condition called hypothyroidism, also known as low thyroid.

Weight gain in people with low thyroid is very common and they have a harder time trying to lose it. This condition affects more women that men and can be treated with medication.

As mentioned above, trying to losing weight is not easy. Take some time to investigate any emotional, physical or other barriers that is preventing you from achieving your weight loss success and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember your ultimate goal is to not only get rid of your excess fat, but  also to start living a healthy and happy life.