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Obesity And Your Emotions

Let’s be honest… being obese is not the desire of anyone. The emotional pain and suffering caused from being obese can be overwhelming for most of us. Our society and culture today place great importance on your physical appearance rather than who you really are.

The physical appearance of being thin is often being equated with attractiveness. If you doubt me, pay close attention the next time you are in the check out lane at your local supermarket and notice the women and men appearing on the magazine covers.

In most cases the men’s mid section is exposed while the women are… I think you get the picture. As a side note, did you know that most of pictures you seen in those magazines are photo shop to enhance the appearance, especially those on the front cover?

If you are doubting me, pay close attention to the TV commercials and  you will certainly agree with me. Additionally, obese people are wrongly stereotype as lazy or gluttonous or both.

Discrimination and prejudice are very common for fat people just about everywhere they go. Whether at work, social situations or school, the problem is still the same. Feelings of shame, depression and rejection soon sets in which will only compound the problem.

If you are obese, don’t be afraid to seek help. If you’re having psychological or emotional issues that is related to being obese, be sure to consult you doctor immediately for help.

A Body Mass Index of thirty or more is considered obese. If this is your case, talk to your doctor about losing weight because you are at a very high risk of having other major health problems.

Fat build up mainly around your belly increase your risk of serious medical conditions linked to obesity. For women, your waist measurement should be below thirty five inches. Men should try to maintain a waist line that is less than forty inches.



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